Today I’m trying something new. Writing for only five minutes.
I’m joining the Five Minute Friday link up with the writing prompt “play”. I set a timer for five minutes and forced myself to stop when the timer went off.
Here we go…
Last week I caught Addison being mean to his little brother. It was probably a typical big brother being a jerk type of thing but I wasn’t having it. I won’t go into the details of the infraction but suffice it to say that as soon as he saw my face he knew he was in trouble. It made me really mad to see it and brought back memories of my big brother being mean to me. I don’t want Addison to be that kid.
His punishment…to play with his little brother.
I picked a day later in the week and his job for the entire day, from the moment he woke up to the second he laid his head on the pillow that night, was to do whatever Harry wanted to do. No sitting at the computer by himself, no alone time texting or face timing his friends. All Harry, all day.
The result…they had a great day.
They played really well together. They played video games, they worked on crafts, we finished our fairy garden, we served Meals on Wheels together.
It was a great day.
Times Up
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